Having Fun in Budapest Gellert Spa and Thermal Baths
Gellert Spa Fun - Patrick Donovan Photography

Chlorine at Gellert Spa Pools

Do Gellert Spa pools contain chlorine? The answer is yes and no.

Thermal Pools

Hot thermal pools (that is pools using the natural hot spring waters pouring from underground thermal reservoirs) are completely refilled every day and they do not contain chlorine or any other cleaning agents to preserve the high-quality of the naturally rich thermal water. This way the thermal waters can offer maximal beneficial effects for the visitors every time.

Gellert Spa and Thermal Bath Budapest Statue and Art Nouveau Wall
Gellert Spa Statue by Art Nouveau Wall

Swimming pools 

Swimming pools and other cool water pools are infused with a minimal amount of chlorine and cleaning salts to ensure that pool waters met health and safety standards. Since the amount of chlorine is kept on a minimum level, the smell of chlorine can be hardly detected.

Difference between Thermal and Swimming pools

Thermal pools of Gellert Spa are hot and richer in minerals, so they offer more recreational and hydro-therapeutical benefits than the cooler pools with less mineral content.

Gellert Spa Art Nouveau Tiles Budapest
Gellert Spa Art Nouveau Tiles Budapest

Nevertheless, the recreational and hydro-therapeutical benefits of the outdoor pools, including the swimming pool are potentially stronger compared to regular pool waters.


About Gellert Spa

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