Harmony Massage at Gellert Spa

Harmony Aroma VIP massage in Gellert Spa is the ideal choice for those who feel too much tension in their body and mind, and wish to combine their massage treatment with aromatherapy to give a boost to the limbic system.

BOOKING Harmony Massage

Counter the damage done by your body’s chronic stress response. The Harmony Aroma Massage is one of the VIP massage treatments: the 45 or 60 minutes refreshing Swedish style massage therapy is mixed with aromatic oils. The fragrance is absorbed by the skin, while it is also inhaled.

The relaxing massage movements will relieve you of muscle pains to help to make you feel balanced and harmonized through releasing endorphins in your body.

The 60 min Harmony Aroma treatment also includes the use of moisturizing body lotion and a face toner with a high content of active ingredients.

Please note that massage treatments are only for bath guests who have a valid bath ticket in Gellert Spa.

Prices of Harmony Aroma Massage

Massages are currently not available for online booking

The price of the massage includes 3 things:

  1. 45 minutes or 60 minutes Massage Treatment
  2. Fast Track Bath Ticket to Gellert Spa (you can skip lines)
  3. Private Changing Cabin to get dressed and store your belongings
  4. Payment options: EUR or HUF (Forint)

45 min Harmony Aroma Single Massage & GB Fast Track Ticket & Cabin: coming soon
45min Harmony Aroma Double Massage & 2 GB Fast Track Tickets & 2 Cabins: coming soon

60 min Harmony Aroma Single Massage & GB Fast Track Ticket & Cabin: coming soon
60 min Harmony Aroma Double Massage & 2 GB Fast Track Tickets & 2 Cabins: coming soon

BOOKING Harmony Massage

You can book the Harmony Aroma Massage for single guests, or in double massage rooms for 2 people (couples, friends, etc.). Buying a massage for 2 is a good deal, and you can save some Euros by booking for 2 (in the same massage room)

  • Room: Gellert Spa VIP Massage Room
  • Duration of Massage: 45/60 minutes massage treatment
  • Time of Massage: in your booking form, please indicate your preferred massage hours. We will try our best to accommodate you at the most ideal hour for you by consulting the schedule of available massages in Gellert Spa

Aromatic Oils of Harmony Aroma VIP Massage

You can choose from 3 different aromatic oils. The aroma of your choice does not affect the price.

BOOKING Harmony Massage

Levander Miracle

Levanderis an ancient herb having many health benefits. With gentle movements, a selected body part, or your full body (if you wish) will be treated by this 100% natural oil.

Orange Joy Aroma

Orange oil is an essential oil produced by cells within the rind of an orange fruit. The Orange Joy massage will prove to be a true energizing and refreshing experience. Gentle movements are applied on a selected part of- or your full body for a healing effect from the queen of all citrus fruits.

Restorative Lemongrass

Miraculous and aromatic massage oil is used on a body part or on the whole body, providing a nice fresh feeling for the body and soul, at the same time.

Please kindly note that the minimum age for massages in Gellert Spa is 18 years old.

Last updated Jan 31, 2023

About Gellert Spa

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  1. Hello, I’d like to book the: 60 min Harmony Aroma Single Massage & GB Fast Track Ticket & Cabin. Where can I reserve this?

    • Hello Sonya,
      Thank you for getting in touch. We have emailed you about your booking request.
      Hope we can welcome you at Gellert Spa!

  2. Lauriane BETEMPS

    I would like to book a 60 min Harmony Aroma Double Massage & 2 GB Fast Track Tickets & 2 Cabins for the 25th of July. Is that possible ?
    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    • Hello Lauriane,
      we have contacted you via email.

      • Thanks for your answer, but I did not receive any email, even in my spams mails.

        • Dear Lauriane,
          indeed, the email has bounced back.
          Please kindly contact the following email address to make your reservation / requests at Gellert Spa:

          info (dot) gellert (at) budapestspas (dot) hu

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