Contact Gellert Baths

You can contact Gellert Spa (officially known in Hungarian ‘Szent Gellért Gyógyfürdő’) at the following phone numbers and addresses.

Gellert Spa Bath Main Hall
Gellert Spa Main Hall

Email Gellert
info [at]

Postal address of Gellert Spa Baths:
Szent Gellért Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda
H-1118 Budapest, XI. kerület Kelenhegyi út 4.

Official website of Gellert Gyogyfurdo in Hungarian.

Phone number of Gellert Spa Baths:

as seen on the official website on the Contact page: this is the main phone number of Gellert Spa, which will get you an automated phone menu. After dialling this number, please follow the instructions to get to the English language info about the baths.

You can also send in your comments in the comment section below.

Gellert Spa Baths on Budapest Tourist Map

Gellert Spa Bath Budapest Tourist Map
Gellert Spa Bath Budapest Tourist Map

Our website is a third party website specializing in online tickets and massage reservations in cooperation with Hungaria Concert Kft the official partner of Gellert Gyogyfurdo.


  1. Buna ziua. Exista vreo piscina ce poate fi folosita si de copii?
    Va multumesc,

  2. Hi, i will be visiting gellert spa on the 5th of July. Just to confirm whether the opening hours is at 6am/ 9am? Many thanks

  3. Hi, I have sent an email but received no response. I wanted to book use of the spa for 4 July.

  4. Ana Maria da Silva Beja

    Good afternoon,

    I Will be visiting Budapeste on the 9th to the 13th of June 2022.
    Are you open, or closed for renovations by these data ?
    Thank you for the information.

    Sincerely yours

    Ana Beja

  5. Is the hotel open? I don’t see any reference/link to book a room.

  6. HI,
    we would like to book tickets and massages for the 24th of February, the online process does not seem to include massages – are those to be done on the spot? I would also like a facial.

    • Good afternoon, will the spa be open by July 14th or will it still be undergoing renovations?

      • Hello Tricia,
        the renovation has been postponed to the autumn season, so Gellert Spa will be open as usual on Jul 14th.
        Have a lovely summer holiday in Budapest!