Gellert Spa Bath Kit Booking

Book your Gellert Spa Bath Kit in advance, including fast track entry, towel, bath accessories and hotel pick up.

About Gellert Spa

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Private Bath & Massage & Budapest Cruise Package Booking

Private Bath & Massage packages are currently not available. Thank you for your kind understanding.


  1. Hello Gellert Spa,

    Is it possible to book the Package 1 Bath Kit & Fast Track Entry with Cabin? There’s no button for it.

  2. We would like to book a Gellert Spa Bath Kit Package #2 with hotel transfer for two people on the afternoon of Sept 26th. Can you send us the form? We see where the Spa will be closed at some date this Autumn. Will the spa still be open on Sept 26th?

  3. I was looking to book 2 massages as well as 2 Bath Kit +Fast Track GS Entry+Cabin+ Taxi Transfer €60

    The form won’t allow me to select the massages and the bat kits.

    Do they need to be purchased separately?

    Thank you

    • Hello Robert,
      bath kits can be booked separately, if you have booked the entries already, you can book massages without entry tickets.
      Please leave a comment, that you need the massage booking link without entry tickets.
      Hope we can welcome you at Gellert Spa!

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