Visiting any thermal bath and spending hours in the hot spring water is a fun and relaxing experience.
Yet, we should not forget about certain health / physical conditions when thermal water or a massage therapy is not only not recommended, but even discouraged.
Please read and follow the next recommendations, tips ensuring your pleasant stay in Gellert Spa.
Health conditions
Gellert Spa Pool Budapest
We definitely suggest consulting with a doctor before visiting Gelert Spa in case of certain health condition. We, obviously, are not experts and cannot give medical advice, but we are happy to provide any necessary information you may need.
Visiting the baths is NOT recommended in case of:
High blood pressure
Infectious skin diseases, or skin conditions, as they can deteriorate during a thermal spa visit
Cardiovascular conditions, heart problems, high blood pressure
High temperature
Varicose veins
Medical conditions that exclude massage therapy
Massage is not allowed:
Gellert Spa Bath Couples Massage
for children under 16 massage is not allowed, between 16-18 massage may only be done with parental supervision
during pregnancy
in case of infectious or repulsive skin condition
in case of unattended hypertonia
freshly after surgery or inflammation
for cancer patients
in case of strongly varicose veins
for guests with pacemaker, dangerous heart condition
Ladies may take part in a massage treatment during their period, however, we ask you kindly to notify the masseur. In this case no strong massage can be applied on the waist area.
Children in Gellert Spa
Children over 14 are welcome to the Spa, but for kids under 14 years of age the pools are not recommended. Should the parents decide to visit Gellert Spa despite this, families may arrive with children at their own responsibility. Children & babies who are not dry and clean yet are not permitted in the pools, not even with a swimming nappy.
If you are pregnant, have certain medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, diabetes or have had cancer within the last 5 years), or have an allergy, please consult your doctor and please also let us know, prior to making a reservation or if your medical condition changes after a valid booking has been made.
We reserve the right to request and view a doctor’s letter prior to entering the Spa or providing a treatment and, if necessary, to refuse the treatment on medical grounds or ask that you sign a disclaimer.
During pregnancy please keep consulting with your doctor whenever you intend to visit public baths, shared pools. Pregnant women are kindly asked to consult with their doctor /OBGYN if they can bathe in the thermal waters. Pregnancy Massages in Gellert Spa: Unfortunately, no thermal baths in Budapest offers pregnancy massage in the baths to avoid any potential medical complications.
Hi ash! What an amazing place!!! So happy we’ve visited it! Really. For us it was as marvelous as the casa Batllo , but in other ways. Thank you for the tips! tracker
Why do you state that massage isn’t allowed with a pacemaker? I have one and have regular massages, which is of absolutely no concern to my doctor. The only consideration is that they do not massage on or directly around the battery. If your masseurs can’t do this, that’s really poor service.
Hi ash! What an amazing place!!! So happy we’ve visited it! Really. For us it was as marvelous as the casa Batllo , but in other ways. Thank you for the tips! Cheers.hasta yatağı kiralama
I know what you mean. It’s so hard to be motivated during the summer, but it will pay off in the end if you can keep it up year round!hasta yatağı kiralama
Hello, Many organizations are working on human health care projects and CPAs is a small business, knowing how health care reform applies to them is important. It performs a brilliant job and proves very beneficial for the others. I also follow this site and read all the articles that are very informative.pirveli nishnebi
I think a healthy man should massage. In the below post you said right! if any human in high blood pressure, diabetes or have had cancer or have an allergy then first should consult with doctor.
Hi ash! What an amazing place!!! So happy we’ve visited it! Really. For us it was as marvelous as the casa Batllo , but in other ways. Thank you for the tips! tracker
Why do you state that massage isn’t allowed with a pacemaker? I have one and have regular massages, which is of absolutely no concern to my doctor. The only consideration is that they do not massage on or directly around the battery. If your masseurs can’t do this, that’s really poor service.
Hi ash! What an amazing place!!! So happy we’ve visited it! Really. For us it was as marvelous as the casa Batllo , but in other ways. Thank you for the tips! Cheers.hasta yatağı kiralama
I know what you mean. It’s so hard to be motivated during the summer, but it will pay off in the end if you can keep it up year round!hasta yatağı kiralama
Hello, Many organizations are working on human health care projects and CPAs is a small business, knowing how health care reform applies to them is important. It performs a brilliant job and proves very beneficial for the others. I also follow this site and read all the articles that are very informative.pirveli nishnebi
I think a healthy man should massage. In the below post you said right! if any human in high blood pressure, diabetes or have had cancer or have an allergy then first should consult with doctor.