Booking Gellert Bath Tickets in Hungarian Forint

Booking in Hungarian Forints is currently not available online

Reserve your Gellert Spa tickets in Hungarian Forint to enjoy expedited QR code entry to the leading thermal spa bath in Budapest, Gellert Spa. Payment is in the Hungarian currency, Forint (you can also book Gellert Bath Tickets in Euro).

Please note that banks of your country may not offer an ideal currency rate for Forint payments (Euros are normally better converted in EU countries). Please consult with your Bank for further advice.


Last updated Aug, 2023


  1. Hello,

    we would like to visit (2 person) the spa on Sunday. Could you get back to us via e-mail?

    Thank you

  2. Hello!
    We are 2 people who would like to have 2 x day tickets for the spa, and 2x 45 min. aroma massage at the 26th of October.

    Best regards
    Andrea and Josefine

  3. Hi,

    Would it be possible to book 3x entrance tickets for the 23rd October?

    What does the spapedicure include? We would also like to book either three spapedicures or 3x 20 minuttes aroma massages and classic pedicures.

    Thank you on advance.

    Best regards,

  4. Hello,

    we would like to visit (2 person) the spa on the beginning November. Could you get back to us with details of booking and price via e-mail?

    Thank you

  5. Hello,

    I would like to book 2 fast track entrances to the bath and spa.
    Can you please get back to me how to make the reservation? Best regards,

  6. Hello,
    We would like to book 4 tickets for tomorrow 16 October. How do we book them?
    Many thanks,