Booking Gellert Bath Tickets in Hungarian Forint

Booking in Hungarian Forints is currently not available online

Reserve your Gellert Spa tickets in Hungarian Forint to enjoy expedited QR code entry to the leading thermal spa bath in Budapest, Gellert Spa. Payment is in the Hungarian currency, Forint (you can also book Gellert Bath Tickets in Euro).

Please note that banks of your country may not offer an ideal currency rate for Forint payments (Euros are normally better converted in EU countries). Please consult with your Bank for further advice.


Last updated Aug, 2023


  1. Hello, we would like to visit the spa with my family on Sunday October 9th from 14:00. We will be 3 adults + 1 boy (15 years). Can you make me a reservation for the fast track and cabine ticket for us?
    Martin Zidek

  2. Hi – we would like to come to Gellert on November 6 and 7. Do you know if you will be open then?
    Many thanks

  3. Hello Katja,
    we have emailed you.
    Enjoy your holiday in Budapest!

  4. Please could I book two day passes with cabin/fast entry for Sunday 9th October ?

    Many thanks

  5. Fast pass ticket for spa & massage for Sept 25, 2022

  6. William Isherwood-Smith

    Trying to book fast track tickets Sunday 25th September 2022 but can’t work out how to do it on your website? Can you help please? Thanks

    • Hello William,
      online tickets are currently not available on our website.
      You can buy entries upon arrival, we have also emailed you.

      • Hi are you open today and is it the same price on the door than booking beforehand? Is yourwave pool open

        • Hello Mary,
          the wave pool is operating without waves at the moment.
          Prices on the spot are different.
          Enjoy your stay in Budapest!